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Mobile Lösungswerkstatt

Is a digital environment that allows to visualise future scenarios and to experience the effects of adjusted model parameters in real time. The Mobile Lösungswerkstatt, short MoLöwe, consists of the hardware, including five 65’’ screens that create an immersive environment and tablets that allow participants to interact with the screens’ content, as well as the custom developed software for this interactive dashboard.


A project is the umbrella term for everything that a user creates/edits when planning i.e. a workshop. Projects can entail a presentation (several slides), a specific notebook, uploaded files, the order of screens and (saved) sessions of the presented slides.

Project Notebook

Each MoLöwe project contains a Project Notebook, where you can set up some of the MoLöwe tools using Python programming. When a new MoLöwe project is created, a Project Notebook is automatically generated (named "Template Notebook") that can be downloaded, edited and uploaded again with customized tools.


A file can be uploaded into a project to use for a presentation; e.g. images, video, text files, HTML files.


The terms "Slide(s)" are used in MoLöwe are not the same as the slides that are created for PowerPoint (or Keynote) presentations. MoLöwe offers features that are distinctly different from generic slides. As a result, users are encouraged to not be bound to the notion of slides as they exist in software programs such as PowerPoint and Keynote.


The colloquial meaning of screens as display devices differs from the meaning assigned to "Screen(s)" in MoLöwe. Display devices are referred to either as "monitor(s)" or as "display device(s)". This means, that a project/presentation needs information on the number of display devices available, the number of slides and the number of screens. These numbers don’t have to be the same and it is possible to define more screens than display devices available. A Screen is the current browser window open on any device. On this Screen (browser window) any Slide can be opened. For the naming of Screens it is advised to follow the naming of the display devices (e.g. Monitor1, Tablet1, etc.)


When a workshop is executed, the presentation can be saved as a session in case of taking a break or pausing for the day. This enables the presenter to start at exactly the same spot and with the same results as before the break. Sessions can only be created from the Controller Mode during a presentation. Until a new session has been saved from the Controller Mode during a presentation, the sessions Page will not list any sessions.


All the elements of MoLöwe that can be placed on a Slide are called MoLöwe Tools or Tools. These tools are visible during presentations and can be used to display information or to allow presentation visitors to interact with other MoLöwe Tools.

The tools that can be selected are:

  • Textbox
  • Image
  • Video
  • Slideshow
  • Map
  • Graph
  • Range Slider
  • Button
  • Switch
  • Drop Down List
  • Change Scene Button

Some tools can be used and function without any code in the Project Notebook; other tools need Python code written in a specific structure in the Project Notebook.

See the Tools Chapter.